Monty Spotted in Texas

We are happy to report that Monty has been identified recently in Bolivar Flats, Texas, by Kristen Vale, with the American Bird Conservancy.

-,O X,G, Ydot, G202, Monty, Bolivar Flats, Kristen Vale, ABC,2021-01-13 14-38-47 .JPG
-,O-X,G, Ydot, G202, Monty, Bolivar Flats,  Kristen Vale, ABC, 2021-01-13 14-34-52 .JPG

Photos by American Bird Conservancy

Monty has been elusive; he was spotted in Texas during his hatch year but has not been spotted on his wintering grounds since then, and there had been speculation that he might be wintering in Northern Mexico. Now we know where he likes to winter!

It took Kristen a few weeks of chasing to confirm the band numbers and that this was Monty. Bolivar Flats is owned and protected by Houston Audubon.

As a reminder, offspring Hazel and Esperanza were also spotted on their wintering ground earlier in the fall, on Islands off the Georgia coast.

Judy Cheske2021